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  1. #1

    GCEA: Sinnoh League (Sign-Up Forms) Open

    Welcome potential trainers to the world of GCEA! If you have found yourself on this thread it means that you might be considering joining GCEA. That's pretty awesome and I would like to thank you for taking your time to consider joining our small but loyal family of role players. This sign-up is for GCEA newest story game, GCEA: Sinnoh League. The story we are creating will touch on stories from other pokemon games in hope to bring the world of pokemon a little closer. The world your character exists is much different then the world the others stories have taken place in.

    The backdrop to the story.
    A series of seemingly unrelated events have started a chain reaction that has begun to echo through worlds much like your own. At first, these events were seen as minor disturbances. They are now beginning to multiply at a greater and greater frequency. The effects of theses disturbances have grown so powerful they have attracted the attention of the keepers of time. In particular, Horatio Chime who appears to be a young man not much older than 18 but whose age is unknown. Chime and his partners watch curiously as what once were minor wormholes have grown stronger and more powerful. With each new wormhole appearance, a pattern starts to emerge. On March 6th, 2028 everything began to change.
    At the around, 11 am new wormholes started to appear in many worlds at once. As if someone or something was blowing out candles on a birthday cake worlds began to fall into darkness all at the same moment. Whatever was causing this had gone unnoticed and had not left any trace of its presence behind. Chime and the others rushed to the first world affected and found the world had gone into a panic. To add to the confusion there was a mission person. A new trainer had vanished in the confusion. Each world after that they found the same thing had happened. With each attack on the worlds, a portal had opened up and sucked in one trainer all new trainers. Chime found it hard to believe this wasn’t on purpose.
    Chime and his partner Brettles made their way back to the halfway station between time and space and began tracking the small wormholes. They find something odd. Each wormhole had pulled a new trainer at the moment they had just left for their journey and they were all being transported to the same world at the same time.
    It is important to remember the date it started because today is March 6th in your world. You are completely unaware of the events unfolding through time and space because today was supposed to be the first day of your pokemon journey. No sooner had you collected your first pokemon and started on your path that the lights in your world seemingly vanished. In the darkness, a bright light appeared a few feet away. You moved towards that light instinctively only trying to get a closer view. For a moment you see through the light and see what looks like a small town on a bright beautiful day. You take one more step towards it and without warning, you are pulled through the wormhole and find yourself and your partner in a completely different place. To add to the confusion you find that you are not the only one to come through one of these wormholes. You can see others nearby who seemingly appear out of thin air and are dropped in the grass.

    Sign-Up Form:

    Story Version: (Diamon/Pearl)
    Appearance: ( Includes Hair Color, Clothing style)
    Personality: (Include Temperament and disposition)
    Personal Traits that describe your character: ( Happy, Silly, Smart, Mean, Shifty)
    Backstory: (required info- This section is extremely important because events will be added into the story based on your character and their goals and background.)
    1. Family:
    2. Pokemon experience:
    3. Past experience that has defined your character:
    4. Special Talents ( You may requestion unique talents or abilities based on the request the staff will consider it)
    Special Pokemon: (This is a bonus feature where you can list a pokemon that is special to your characters history and backstory that will be unlocked able if it's within reason. The exception being Kanto based pokemon and any evolutions from a Kanto based pokemon)
    Personal Goals:
    Pet Peeves:
    Region: (Where was your character was born.)
    Favorite Pokemon:
    Favorite Type:

    What starter Pokemon: (Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup)
    Drawing or Writing: (GCEA has events and we normally break them up into two groups. Which do you have access to or are more comfortable with?)
    Contest Starter: ( For those of you who enter the writing submission you will be able to claim a starter from the region you picked)
    Side Notes:

    What Sinnoh starter Pokemon:
    What Contest Starter:
    Drawing or Writing:
    Side Notes:

    Example of a Sign-up Sheet:

    Version: Diamond
    Name: Lucian Stewart
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Lucian has an unconventional look, he looks like a punk rocker from the 1980s. He has a bright blue mohawk and a clean-shaven head. He has deep blue eyes that are very kind. He has tribal Water Clan tattoos that run up both arms. The tattoo is unrecognizable to all those not from his island chain in Hoenn. He wears a waterproof vest that is meant to protect his valuables
    Height/Weight: 5'7" , 150 Ponds
    Personality: Lucian can come off as a little distracted. Once he sets his mind on something it is very difficult to get him to focus on anything else. Since he grew up in a single parent household his old brother was his role model. He adapted to complement his brother by being the one to make sure everything that was needed was taken care of. When his brother passed away he was forced to take on both of their roles which brother out a more aggressive version of his personality. Lucian is not a fighter by choice but he does not back down. He is very passionate and very loyal.
    Personal Traits that describe your character: Focused, Relaxed, A little Rash with judgment calls, slightly obsessive with things he can't lose, objective and open-minded.
    Backstory: Lucian is a GCEA legend and one of four known trainers to be given a second chance at life by Arceus. Lucian and his team saved not only saved Hoenn in his world but helped stop the planet from being taken over by an evil being whose name shall not be said. Lucian's whole journey started and ended with his brother Colden becoming infected and in the end died in peace. Lucian has a close connection with the spirit of Kygore. A girl named Kya who Lucian also lost in the end events of Shadow Wars. Lucian was transported into this world with Jacob. He is unsure what his other friends choose to do.
    1. Family: None sadly, Being in a different dimension and losing his brother and his mother (She is alive in his old dimension) he is alone in this new world.
    2. Pokemon experience: Lucian collected all the Hoenn badges as well as mastering Mega Evolution. He is familiar with a variety of pokemon but specializes in water pokemon.
    3. Past experience that has defined your character: Losing his brother twice is the biggest thing that ways on his conscious. But losing potentially the love of his life Kya keeps him up at night. Lucian is plagued with the sacrifice that he made that cost him the world he fought so hard to save. Losing his partner Frost and all his pokemon partners crushed him. Lucian is defined by all that he has lost.
    4. Lucian's Special ability: Lucian is connected to the Water Tribe and has a strong bound to water pokemon. Lucian can sense water pokemon. He is also adapt that swimming and can hold his breath much longer than other humans can.
    Special Pokemon: While he was connected to Kyogre and Keldeo Lucain has no connections in the current timeline.
    Personal Goals: To find a missing friend who he can sense in the new world.
    Pet Peeves: Hateful People, Greedy people, Humans who destory the natural world for profit, Shadow Pokemon
    Region: Hoenn
    Favorite Pokemon: Froakie, Piplup
    Favorite Type: Water
    Relationship: None
    GCEA Diamond or Pearl: Diamond
    What starter Pokemon: Piplup
    Contest Starter: Mudkip
    Drawing or Writing: I love to draw but I can crack out a poorly written story here and there ;)
    Side Notes:
    Lucian will not be a main character. Just a character that will appear in the story.

    The Sign-Up form is under the spoiler tag. When filling out the Sign-Up form it is important to remember the character you pick will be the character you use in the game. Below are a couple of other things to keep in mind.

    Things to Remember
    *Your character must be between 13-18
    *Your character can not be the pokemon league champion.
    *You must pick a region (Not Sinnoh) to be where your character comes from. Please remember this region when writing a back story.
    *No characters will be from the current world. I prefer that none are from Sinnoh in general however if you feel very strongly about it please let me know.
    *No super powered characters, you can not be an expert battler as that would not fit in with the story. Remember you are a starting trainer.
    *You can have an npc that tags along either yourself or a friend who is also playing if you get it approved.

    Approved Sign Ups
    Sophie Reed- Desolate Divine
    Matthias Grand- Brettles
    Becky- evanfardreamer
    Neith Nimr- Shruikan
    Tony Joy- AWA1997
    Amy Risa- Noblejanobii
    Lawrance (Renny) Thomas- Rival Max
    Kindrea (Kinnie) Gutamen- Suicune's Fire

    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 01-14-2019 at 11:00 AM.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

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  3. #2
    We are officially open to sign-ups!

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  4. #3
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    I think you guys would like this game :) it's pretty similar to how we were gonna run the PMD rpg that never happened
    @K'sariya @Morzone @Gef

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  6. #4
    Steel Soul K'sariya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    I think you guys would like this game :) it's pretty similar to how we were gonna run the PMD rpg that never happened
    @K'sariya @Morzone @Gef
    Super thanks for the mention, looks really fun, but I am swamped on RPs/time right now @___@ Will totally check this out if I have the space for more at some point, though! Thank you!

    head ranger / expert curator / ace chronicler
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  8. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by K'sariya View Post
    Super thanks for the mention, looks really fun, but I am swamped on RPs/time right now @___@ Will totally check this out if I have the space for more at some point, though! Thank you!
    Thanks for considering it. The new game is being crafted to give players more freedom and not feel pressured at all. Since its more of an open world feel and not a Story Mod pushing the game forward players who are more casual should be fine :)

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

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  10. #6
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Story Version: Diamond

    Name: Sophie Reed

    Age: 15 (DOB 13/09/2012)

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Sophie stands at 5’5”, with a slim, but slightly muscled figure, due to the training her father put her through. Her blonde hair falls a little below her shoulders, and is usually either down or tied in a ponytail when she needs to concentrate. Her face is lightly freckled, and, seeming almost contrary to her appearance are her piercing green eyes.

    Her usual attire consists of a pair of jeans, with a fairly standard, colored blouse, and a warm jacket or coat over the top. Bonus points if the jacket has a hood

    Height/Weight: As above.

    Personality: Sophie takes after her father with regards to his temper and how stubborn he can be. However, unlike her father she has a surprisingly quick wit, and is much smarter than he was at her age.

    Sophie has a strong sense of justice, and hates it when people aren’t fair or just to one another. She is very empathetic, and tries to treat people the way she wants to be treated. She is very quick to try and defend someone, but also quick to verbally tear into the person she is defending them from.

    Personal Traits that describe your character: Smart, Quick Witted, Fiery, Compassionate.

    1. Family:

    -Jacob Reed (Father) (DOB 27/09/1990, age 37). Sophie has a strained relationship with Jacob. Whilst Jacob loves her more than anything, he struggles to show it. Because of what he saw during the Hoenn Crisis, he has trained her since she was young in how to defend herself, and how to battle Pokemon, though refuses to tell her specifically what happened to him, since the only way she will believe him is for Gwaine to show her his memories, and he thinks she is too young to see what actually happened. Sophie has no idea that Jacob is actually from a different world, or the reason why he is in this one. All she knows is that when Jacob was close to her age, he went through something scaring. Sophie tries to make things work with him, as does Jacob, but they inevitably end up having a disagreement that gets blown out of proportion.
    -Phoebe Reed (Mother)(DOB 24/04/1990, age 37). Sophie gets along with her mother a little easier than her father, partially due to Phoebe being much less stubborn than Jacob. When Sophie and Phoebe disagree they are much more likely to talk it out civilly and come to an agreement or compromise, as opposed to both yelling and refusing to budge like her and Jacob do. Phoebe tends to act as a mediator between Jacob and Sophie. Whilst Phoebe knows what Jacob is hiding from Sophie, she refuses to tell her, saying that it isn't her place to tell and that Jacob will tell her when she is ready to hear it.
    -Laura Fisher (Aunt) (DOB 16/01/1994, Age 33). Whilst Jacob has other siblings (Jamie and Melody), he is closest with Laura because of both being from another world (though Sophie doesn’t know this), and because of this, Laura visited Jacob in Johto a lot more than Jamie or Melody, resulting in Sophie becoming quite close with her aunt. Short of Sophie herself, Laura is the person who is most likely to go toe to toe with Jacob with disagreements, and doesn’t pull punches. Whilst Laura respects overall Jacob’s decision to keep Sophie in the dark until she is old enough, she feels like Sophie deserves to know to a degree what happened to her dad, so has told her very vaguely what has happened. However she has intentionally kept it quiet, as, like Phoebe says, it isn’t her place to tell. However even then, Sophie is close to Laura, and looks up to her greatly.
    -Gwaine (Jacob’s Gallade). Gwaine is Jacob’s most trusted Pokemon, however is also fairly close to Sophie. When Jacob and Phoebe couldn’t find a babysitter Gwaine usually looked after Sophie. Out of all of Jacob’s Pokemon, Gwaine is out and about the most, so Sophie has grown up with him in the house practically all the time, and sees him almost as an older brother. Gwaine is loyal to Jacob, and refuses to tell Sophie about his past. However he also loves Sophie and Phoebe, and would kill anybody who tried to hurt them.

    2. Pokemon experience:
    Sophie has grown up with her dad’s Pokemon around her, so is no stranger to Pokemon and training them. She has been taught about type matchups and battling strategy since she was young as part of her training, and has had practise battles with Jacob using his Pokemon, however they are all expertly trained Pokemon, and she have never had her own. Whilst she may know how to battle with Jacob’s Pokemon, battling with her own will be entirely different.

    3. Past experience that has defined your character:
    Jacob and Phoebe’s primary source of income is prize money from Pokemon tournaments. Whilst Jacob doesn’t have a day job, a couple of months a year, he will leave home and tour Johto, or possibly even Hoenn, participating in tournaments and usually winning. When Sophie was twelve, her and Jacob got into a fight, as Sophie didn’t want to do her training of a Saturday morning, and Jacob refused to tell her why she had to do it. Jacob had to leave to attend tournaments, so the fight was left unresolved. Laura came to visit, and found out from Sophie what had happened.

    Laura decided to take Sophie to the tournament Jacob was participating in, and let her see her dad battle. Whilst Sophie had seen him train, she had never seen him battle at 100% and was in awe seeing this. On the way back home, she asked Laura how Jacob became such a good battler. Laura’s response shocked Sophie, and opened her eyes slightly to why he was so harsh on her.

    “He battles like his life depends on it, because for a long time, it did.”

    This was the closest thing to the truth about her dad Sophie had heard. When Jacob found out what Laura had done, he lost the plot, however they soon made amends. Sophie has learnt a little more about her dad’s past, mostly from Laura, but is still in the dark about the truth behind him.

    4. Special Talents:

    Nothing overly impressive. Understands a lot of battling theory from being taught by her dad, however lacks experience with her own Pokemon. Also capable of defending herself.

    Special Pokemon: Celebi. However this won’t happen in the story. More so for the sake of back story and post-endgame.

    Personal Goals: To make her own way, separate from her Dad. To not need him, and to be better than him.

    Pet Peeves: Hypocrisy, injustice and bulls***.

    Region: Johto

    Favorite Pokemon: Gallade (Due to having such a close bond with Gwaine)

    Favorite Type: Fire.

    What starter Pokemon: Piplup

    Drawing or Writing: Writing, but I can draw if I must…

    Contest Starter: Cyndaquil.

    Side Notes:
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 05-24-2019 at 05:12 AM.

  11. #7
    Ace Trainer Lychee's Avatar
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    Story Version: Platinum

    Name: Briar Clark

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Briar is not an identical twin- he's fraternal. However, him and his sister do have the same parents so they share some traits. Briar is usually wearing hiking boots, a backpack full of supplies (including a bug net) and likes to dress in lighter colours and patterns- pastels, creams, sky blues and mint greens. He has light brown hair like his sister, which is longer than hers so he ties it back into a ponytail. His style is somewhere between a hiker and a hippie. He wears only one or two bracelets on his wrist- not as many as his sister.

    Height/Weight: 5'5" and 120lb . Briar is a little taller than his sister (as of only months ago- before that, she was taller than him) and is at that awkward lanky teenage age where his body parts aren't quite all in proportion yet.

    Personality: Briar can be a little prickly at first, but he's a sweet person at heart. He likes small and cute things, and doing kindnesses for strangers. He gets flustered easily and is chronically indecisive - thats where he often ends up talking to his twin to figure out what to do. He's not exactly a leader-type- but he's usually more chatty than his sister, and makes the effort to hear as much about people as he can- because he knows its a privilege to be able to listen. He's really keen on the supernatural and can be overly enthusiastic about pokemon facts sometimes.

    Personal Traits that describe your character: Kind, Supportive, Ditzy, Passive

    1. Family:
    Hawthorn and Tulip Clark are his mum and dad. Willow is his twin sister, and he also has two younger sisters and one younger brother. They're a pretty chilled out family- being that they own property in Blackthorne which is an icy town for many months of the year. In the colder winter months they all play games indoors as a family and have community get-togethers and ice-skating competitions in the gym.

    2. Pokemon experience: Being a twin, Briar is fascinated by the fact that twins also exist in the Pokemon world. When he was younger he had a set of cards that him and his sister used to learn about pokemon- it had pairs where the boy and girl pokemon looked different, it had paired and split evolutions. Despite not interacting much with the pokemon on the cards, he really treasured them, taught his younger siblings with them, and still has them today.

    3. Past experience that has defined your character: Briar has a relatively uneventful past compared to his sister, whose life seemed much more emotional while dealing with her hearing loss. He would happily leave her to do art while he wandered through the mountain, looking for crypto-pokemon (that is, pokemon which probably don't exist- the sasquatches of the pokemon world). One time while wandering he saw a huge burnt streak of forest, and began theorising that the crater his city was in might have once been a Volcarona nest- a place where Larvesta hatched and lived. Ever since he came up with the theory, he's been trying to spot a volcarona to ask it if the theory is true. He forgets sometimes, that humans and pokemon can't talk so easily.

    4. Special Talents: The twins are telepaths whose powers can be boosted when they are close to each other or close to other psychics.

    Special Pokemon:Male Espurr named Prim

    Personal Goals: Briar wants to see more of the world, make people happy, and eat lots of sweet things. It's nothing too difficult, and after thats done he wants to raise a family in the town that he loves.

    Pet Peeves: Briar doesn't like it when people are snappy or short with each other, and he doesn't like swimming in deep water or walking close to cliffs. He gets annoyed when people aren't accommodating or considerate, and thinks that the taste of fish is gross. He's allergic to berries and not a big fan of loud music but will put up with it.

    Region: Blackthorne City, Johto

    Favorite Pokemon: Volcarona

    Favorite Type: Bug, Ghost and Psychic types

    What starter Pokemon: Turtwig

    Drawing or Writing: Both!

    Contest Starter: If allowed, Totodile

    Side Notes:

  12. #8
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Any doubts if I make my character's "#4 Special Talents" consist of being a Psychic, similar to one of the gym trainers in Saffron City Gym? I'm thinking of trying something new and rolling a character that's more apt to use psychic types and that kind of thing, but if there's a problem with this, I'll rethink things over.

  13. #9
    Hello there! Saw the banner ad up top and was intrigued enough to read the welcome blurb. I’d love to experience a more free-form, collaborative telling of the game, and had some questions to make sure I got the idea. I’m new to freeform RP (almost joined one for PXFire but got too busy) so I don’t know what to expect, or what range is allowed. To that end – some questions!

    Story version Diamond/Pearl – will this have any real effects on the experience?
    Backstory – how wide from the character is expected – relatives, ancestors, or just the past few years of their life and maybe a few key players in it?
    Special talents – how powerful and/or common are they capped at? The example character has a subconscious link to Water type Pokemon, which seems relatively minor but common. Would the ability to understand the speech of Legendary/Mythical Pokemon be too overpowered, or would it never come up?
    Special Pokemon – Platinum is where I got back into the Pokemon franchise and I’ve always had a real fondness for Darkrai, would that be acceptable? Example character has two Legends here, but I am not sure if those came about through prior incarnations.
    Contest starter – this seems to imply a second starter can be picked, is that going to be part of the character’s main team or is it for some separate events/side story?
    Drawing or Writing – I really enjoy writing, and am just getting into drawing. Are the events exclusive (a drawing path and a writing path) or would I be able to dabble in both of them?

    Looking at the posts, I’m not sure if there’s one missing with the basic mechanics of GCEA. As a complete newbie I don’t know how any of it works – if you can point me to a ‘getting started’ post I passed by it’d be greatly appreciated and may answer the rest of these questions.
    From the location threads it looks like navigation will be pretty straightforward, but that’s as much as I can tell. Will people be chasing badges and working towards beating the Pokemon League?
    Do the Pokemon have XP and levels to keep track of? How about their movesets, is it locked to 4 at a time or are they all available?
    Items, prize money, inventory – do the participants have to battle NPCs for money or is it accrued some other way? How does PvP work or is it disabled?

    Thank you for your time!
    My resurrected stats (still under renovation!):

  14. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post

    Any doubts if I make my character's "#4 Special Talents" consist of being a Psychic, similar to one of the gym trainers in Saffron City Gym? I'm thinking of trying something new and rolling a character that's more apt to use psychic types and that kind of thing, but if there's a problem with this, I'll rethink things over.
    When considering powers we always ask for the player to tell us at his strongest what the powers will do ?
    For example rose in bb is blind and she see through the eyes of her psychic partner. Her powers while there are limited for the most part to her partner. Her ability is only strong enough because of the boost.

    So what are you hoping to do with it ?

    Quote Originally Posted by evanfardreamer View Post
    Hello there! Saw the banner ad up top and was intrigued enough to read the welcome blurb. I’d love to experience a more free-form, collaborative telling of the game, and had some questions to make sure I got the idea. I’m new to freeform RP (almost joined one for PXFire but got too busy) so I don’t know what to expect, or what range is allowed. To that end – some questions!

    Story version Diamond/Pearl – will this have any real effects on the experience?
    Backstory – how wide from the character is expected – relatives, ancestors, or just the past few years of their life and maybe a few key players in it?
    Special talents – how powerful and/or common are they capped at? The example character has a subconscious link to Water type Pokemon, which seems relatively minor but common. Would the ability to understand the speech of Legendary/Mythical Pokemon be too overpowered, or would it never come up?
    Special Pokemon – Platinum is where I got back into the Pokemon franchise and I’ve always had a real fondness for Darkrai, would that be acceptable? Example character has two Legends here, but I am not sure if those came about through prior incarnations.
    Contest starter – this seems to imply a second starter can be picked, is that going to be part of the character’s main team or is it for some separate events/side story?
    Drawing or Writing – I really enjoy writing, and am just getting into drawing. Are the events exclusive (a drawing path and a writing path) or would I be able to dabble in both of them?

    Looking at the posts, I’m not sure if there’s one missing with the basic mechanics of GCEA. As a complete newbie I don’t know how any of it works – if you can point me to a ‘getting started’ post I passed by it’d be greatly appreciated and may answer the rest of these questions.
    From the location threads it looks like navigation will be pretty straightforward, but that’s as much as I can tell. Will people be chasing badges and working towards beating the Pokemon League?
    Do the Pokemon have XP and levels to keep track of? How about their movesets, is it locked to 4 at a time or are they all available?
    Items, prize money, inventory – do the participants have to battle NPCs for money or is it accrued some other way? How does PvP work or is it disabled?

    Thank you for your time!
    First off, thank you for posting your question. GCEA is by no means a traditional roleplay. It is more of a story game and responses are much shorter normally.
    Gcea does have a wonderful how to guide but because this new version is different from the previous integrations. We are currently working on an updating how to battle section which is why the how to guide is not up.

    But back to your questions.
    1. The game version you pick will affect some of the story but mainly what pokemom appear. There will also be mini events that are only for certain versions. This is to mix it up a little.

    2. Backstory- should just be a general story of where your character comes from and some of their motivations. Normally people will include important family of friends but it's just to help get an idea or the character. In the backstory players also help out the mods because the unique stuff added helps us shape your journey.
    3. Powers- we like the characters to have very minor powers something helpful to their story. Powers that give the player over the villains or fellow players are normally not allowed. As far as the specific power you mentioned. In gcea legends appear throughout the story. The legends speak every language so they communicate with the players. Also gcea pulls from the manga and the cartoon. The legendary pokemon take human form at points.

    4. Special pokemon. Normally that section is for pokemon that played a roll in the backstory in some meaningful way. As I said to Neo above a character in blue has a pokemon that helps her see. In the past pokemom that trainer grew up with or even saved their life were added in this section. We put that in there to give people freedom and because all of us have pokemon wed love to have as partners.

    As for Lucian in the example. He formed a bond with Kyogre during the later half of the story. Normally every trainer that makes it through the first half will connect with a legendary. Its not something they start out with it's something that we add in if a player requests to get to have his or her character interact with that legend. Lucian is from the hoenn storyline that just finished. All four of the main characters had a legendary partner at one point in the story.

    5.contest starter -the backstory for this version is that all the players are pulled through wormholes. This players come from different worlds and regions. So the writing submission is a way for a player to pick up a starter from the region their character comes from. The pokemon will be apart of the main story and be usable in the battles.

    6. Normally every gcea event has two ways to enter. Some people prefer drawing, others writing. So you can enter either and get the unlockable item. The reason the contest starter is a writing event is because it helps us to understand the character more and it gives you guys a base to work off of.

    7. As instated at the top we are working on updating the how to gcea thread hopefully we can get that up in the next two days.

    8. The set up of the threads does lead to gyms and the league but there is a story and mini missions that in some ways will overshadow the league. In previous versions only one person has beat the league. The plot itself normally becomes so big the characters are saving the world. However there of course will be the option to battle the league.

    8. Pokemon xp- pokemon do level up and that works a couple of ways. The main way to do it is to use points to level up a pokemon. However we do have rare candy that does give the pokemon a level. For the sake of the game people normally slowly level up their main team as they play through. This gives it a more naturally feel.
    As far as moves. Gcea cuts down to pokemon in battles as two basic things. Evolution and typing. Moves dont play a part in the battles. Now many of us do use then when describing the battle or for other plot points.

    9. Gcea is a posting game. So by posting you can earn points. You get points through a variety of ways. Including keeping a journey or sketchpad which can earn you points. Players also earn points from battles with npcs in the game.

    10. Pvp is something we would really love to have but as of now it wouldn't work outside of story battle. In the past we have done it and the way it works is one player does the match as if the other is an npc. As you can guess its normally one sided as the person who sets it up normally wins.

    Hopefully that helps answer some of your questions

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

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    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......


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