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  1. #1

    Gotta Catch Em' All: Platinum Version (Open!)

    Hey there! Are you new to the region? I'm Lucas, a semi new trainer.


    How To Play/Rules

    0) OBEY ALL FORUM RULES!! No flaming, trolling, spamming, ect. Aside from the consequences of the forum itself, disobeying these rules guarantee LARGE point deductions. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    1) Post your trainer's name and your chosen starter in the signup thread.

    2) A staff member will keep track of your trainer card. It will have vital information, including every Pokémon you’ve caught, your current point totals, any and all items you have, and more. Make sure to keep track of it and inform the staff member of any mistakes or inconsistencies.

    3) Earning points is done in a few ways. The most basic is posting: a post equals a point (unless you're breaking rules), so post often! There are also other things you can do to grab more points. Spending points is how you get ANYTHING and EVERYTHING done in GCeA. If you want to capture a Pokémon, Evolve it, purify it, purchase items, or assist your battles, YOU NEED POINTS!!!

    4) Questions are OK to ask! The rules can be confusing sometimes, so if you're new and are any bit confused by the rules, don't be afraid to ask questions! However, you should post them here to prevent clogging up the thread.

    5) If you're joining in the middle of the game, you will want to contact the GM so he can introduce you into the story. He'll also give you a starter kit: This will include your starter, a group of other Pokémon, all the badges earned up to this point, and a bundle of points to get you up to speed. So don't worry if you get in late.

    6) All posts must come with a header, detailing your trainer name, the current status of your Party, and your amount of points (taking the post you're making into account). An example of the bare minimum is below.

    7)You are allowed to take a break from GCEA. However if you are gone for more than 5 days you must give the SM/GM a heads up. If you do not and stay gone you will become and NPC. If this happens more than once your character will be left behind. It is your responsibility to be active in the game, if not be able to at least say that.

    8)You are not allowed to control NPCs or other characters in the story unless you have been given the okay. If you control an NPC use it for your own agenda to push your opion or thoughts on the story your post will be deleted. The same guys with using the NPC to tell the future or spoil something that the reader knows but the character doesnt.

    9) All games are attended to by either A GM (Game Master) or a SM (Story Mod). If a GM or a Story Mod hasn’t posted yet, please only post three times.

    Example Header
    Trainer Name:
    Names of Pokemon:
    Pokemon Points:
    Partner Pokemon:
    Items: Pokemon(), Potions ()
    Current Game Points:

    Trainer: Bird Trainer Meg
    Team Status:
    ,,,Chompers (50/50),,, Kaze (50/50),,,,,,,,,, Gallo (50/50),,,,, Tidus (50/50),,,,Sappy (50/50),,,,,,, Auric (50/50)

    Partner Pokemon:

    Egg: Pichu (10/15 posts required to hatch)

    Ultraballs (x1),Quickballs (x5)
    Heal Items
    Max Potions(x5)
    Hold Items
    Alteration Items
    Battle Item
    Evolution Items

    Points: 100



    1) In order to evolve a Pokémon, you will first need to know what level it evolves at. Need help with that? Find evolutionary levels here. If you have enough points to match that level, you're golden! Just fill out the form below.

    Pokémon You're Evolving:
    Pokémon it Evolves Into:
    Evolution Point Requirement:
    Points On-Hand:
    Points After Evolution:
    Link to stats:

    Below is an example. Crocanaw have 18 points naturally.
    Pokémon You're Evolving: Tidus the Totodile
    Pokémon it Evolves Into: Crocanaw
    Evolution Point Requirement: 18
    Points On-Hand: 20
    Points After Evolution: 2

    The Evolved Pokémon will take on the exact number of points that its level comes out to, unless there are special evolutions in place. For instance, a Wartortle, which evolves at Level 16, will have 16 points. Adding a picture would also be great, but not required.

    2) Some Pokémon have special evolutions with other rules to go with them. Below is a list of special evolutions and when they will be available to you. Special evolutions require prerequisite conditions to be met before they can happen:

    1. Friendship Evolution- Friendship evolution has changed vastly since the previous versions of GCEA. In order to get a Friendship evolution you must meet the following requirements.
    A. The pokemon must have been leveled up +10 of its original points
    B. The pokemon must have been used in a battle.
    C. The pokemon must be used in a Gym battle or Gym Trainer Battle(For weaker pokemon)
    Once those three are met you can evolution like a standard evolution.

    2.Stones or items are free Evolutions, but you actually need the stones, which are consumed upon evolution. (The pokemon can be given the stone or item when you have reached the gym badge that unlocks its evolution point total)
    3.Some Pokémon need to level up in a certain location. If they are fully trained they automatically evolve when they reach this location.
    4.Trades require you to actually give away the Pokémon temporarily-hopefully they agree to give it right back. To make it official, it must be in a Pokémon Center.


    Level Ups

    In addition to evolving, at any Time a Pokémon can be leveled up. Without any badges, you can level up any Pokémon to its own level +10. Gym Badges add a level ceiling-if you cannot meet the ceiling with ten level ups, you can level up your Pokémon to meet the ceiling. Each level gained costs two points each. A fully-trained Pokémon (who have at least 10 additional levels) have maximum friendship with you and are eligible for friendship evolution.(see friendship evolution details). The form for leveling up Pokémon is below.

    Pokémon being Leveled Up:
    Level ups:
    Resulting Level:
    Points required:
    Points on hand:
    Points remaining:

    Below is an example. Raticate have 20 points naturally, and this trainer has two badges:

    Pokémon being Leveled Up: Fang the Raticate
    Levels up: 10
    Resulting Value: 30
    Points required: 20 (2 points per level)
    Points on hand: 29
    Points remaining: 9

    Gym prizes are below, in spoilers.


    (Final stage pokemon can be leveled up throughout the game. They can be leveled up to meet the gym badge's max. This is different than previous versions)
    0 Badges
    (Pokemon level 1-20 will obey you)

    1 Badge
    (Pokémon level 1-25 will obey you)

    2 Bages
    (Pokémon level 1-30 will obey you)

    3 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-36 will obey you)

    4 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-40 will obey you)

    5 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-45 will obey you)

    6 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-50 will obey you)

    7 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-55 will obey you)

    8 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-100 will obey)


    Wild Pokémon

    1) ONLY GCeA Officials can post the appearance of wild Pokémon. (If you want to be an official for GCeA, contact one of the existing GMs. We’ll see if you are worthy.)

    2) Each Pokémon will have a point value. If you don't have enough points, you can't capture it. You can still battle it if your Pokémon are conscious, though.

    3) Additionally, each wild Pokémon will also have a limit on how many people can challenge it. Therefore, the first people to challenge that Pokémon will get it. Everyone else will have to wait until it appears again. This applies to all Pokémon. Two pages after a Pokémon is available, it vanishes for good.

    4) The difference between versions affects which Pokémon you can capture in your version of GCeA. Certain moments can allow you to grab Pokémon from different versions, though, so don't worry.

    5) Freshly-caught Pokémon will be KO'd until you reach a Pokémon Center or a Healing Machine, or use certain items to recover the Pokémon. (Unless you are using the Heal Ball!)

    6) You do NOT need a conscious Pokémon on your battling team to capture a Wild Pokémon, but only if you do not HAVE a conscious Pokémon in your party. However you will need a Partner Pokemon as backup. If you are not bringing a partner with you and your whole team has fainted you will not be able to catch any wild pokemon.

    7) When trying to capture a Pokémon, you will see the Point Value change if there is a Type Advantage or an Evolution advantage against the Pokémon in question, or if items are used. Each advantage in its favor is +5 for the Wild Pokémon under every circumstance, with an exception: If BOTH Pokémon are naturally level 5, type bonuses are +2. (this will result in the lost of points form that pokemon you are using.)

    Type bonuses are determined by how much a Pokémon is super effective against another. Any one instance of the wild having a type advantage over any of your own Pokémon is one type bonus: If, for instance, both of their types are super effective against one of your own, then that's two type bonuses. Advantageous matchups are either using a Pokémon that is weak against the wild’s type, is resisted by the wild’s type, or is immune to the type. You cannot get a Type Advantage against a wild Pokémon you are attempting to capture.

    In the case that the wild Pokémon has an Evolutionary Advantage, -5 points. Final Evolutions get a +5 evolutionary bonus, while Mid-Evolutions (IE, Dewott, Charmeleon, Metapod) gain +2 You cannot gain an Evolutionary Advantage against a wild Pokémon you are attempting to capture.

    You typically use only the basic PokeBall design (which you can buy at any Poke mart for 1 Point) when capturing Pokémon, but using more advanced (and more limited) designs will cut costs from capture-or eliminate them entirely in the case of the elusive Master Ball.

    8: The form for this is below.


    Pokémon trying to catch:
    Pokémon using:
    Point Requirement:
    Item Being Used/Quantity:
    Item Effects:
    Points On Hand:
    Points After:

    Remember bonuses and point requirements! Below is an example:
    [indent]Pokémon trying to catch: Oddish
    Pokémon Using: Tidus the Crocanaw
    Point Requirement: 8
    Item Being Used/Quantity: Pokemon/ 3 -1= 2
    Item Effects: N/A
    Points on Hand: 15
    Points after: 2


    Battling Pokémon

    1) In order to participate in Pokémon Battles, you must have a conscious Pokémon in your party.

    2) In a battle, you put your Pokémon’s points against the opponents. If you KO all the opponent's Pokémon (or fulfill some other potential requirement), you win. Your Pokémon do not have to be conscious for the victory-in other words, ties are in your favor. Usually.

    3) If any of your Pokemon are conscious, then use the point values they were at at the end of the battle; A Pokemon that lost 5 points of HP during the battle is 5 HP below normal until it is healed.

    4) The exception for Ties are Gym Leaders or certain plot-critical trainers. If you tie with them they win. You must decisively win those battles, even if by a single hit point.

    5) In order to battle, you need to use the form below.


    Opponent (the opponent you're targeting):
    Attacker (the Pokémon you're using):
    Opponent's HP (the HP of the attacking Pokémon):
    Attacker's HP (the HP of your Pokémon):
    Bonus (The bonuses that apply are added up, and the result is put here.)
    Opponent's remaining points (The remaining points the Attackee has to continue this battle: Attackee's Points minus Attacker's Points. Zero points or below = Attackee KO.):
    Attacker's remaining HP: (If you've calculated the above and got a negative number, put that here. This is the amount of HP your Pokémon has afterwards.)

    Points Section- This only applies to matches that you can pay to win, because in this world, money somehow empowers Pokémon to do far better than usual. Defeat could be circumvented with timely use of points-and defeat is bad. Exceptions are plot critical battles, IE Gym Leaders or Rivals of note. Attach the following to the bottom.
    Points on-hand (the amount of points you have on-hand):
    Points remaining (the amount you have left over: Points on hand minus Points using):
    Points using (You can spend points to tip the battle in your favor; this is the amount you're using):[/COLOR]

    A full battle isn't just one of these forms: As some foes may have multiple Pokémon or really tough Pokémon that you need more than one of your own to take out (or both), a battle is considered 'done' when either you feel the need to stop for whatever reason, you're completely unable to battle, or your opponent is completely unable to battle. Henceforth, these are part of the forms you need to fill out, but only once, preferably after all the forms are completed.

    If you're not using points, you should remove Points Using, Points on-hand, and Points remaining from the form(s). It makes it less cluttered.

    Unless you are participating in a League or Rival Battle (see the League and Rival Battle section below for details), you are hardly alone in a battle: Any Trainer can pick up right where you left off. In fact, when fighting a foe with six Pokémon, you can take down two and leave the other four to two of your partners.

    Here’s an example of a pair of battles to take down an Onix, with the Onix and the Raticate both leveled up +10, the trainer owns 2 badges, and the Crocanaw untrained:

    Attacker: Tidus the Crocanaw
    Opponents: Onix
    Attacker's Point Value:
    Opponent's Point Value:
    Attacker's Remaining Points:
    Opponent's Remaining Points:


    5) Unlike catching Pokémon, Battling Pokémon can grant negative bonuses to the opponent. All bonuses are applied to the OPPOSING POKEMON, and NEVER YOUR OWN, so naturally NEGATIVE BONUSES ARE GOOD and POSITIVE BONUSES ARE BAD.

    - If the disadvantaged pokemon is under Lv. 5, there is no bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is Lv.6 to Lv. 10, there will be a-5 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 11 and below Lv. 21, there will be a -7 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 21 and below Lv. 31, there will be a -9 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 31 and below Lv. 41, there will be a -11 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 41 and below Lv. 51, there will be a -13 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 51 and below Lv. 61, there will be a -15 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 61 and below Lv. 71, there will be a -17 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 71 and below Lv. 81, there will be a -19 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 81 and below Lv. 91, there will be a -21 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    - If the disadvantaged Pokémon is at or above Lv. 91 and at or below Lv. 100, there will be a -23 bonus for the disadvantaged pokemon.
    *Bonuses depend on the Pokemon Current Points! Not its Overall Point Total!

    6: All enemy Pokémon defeated in any battle grants points. The exact value is 1/10th of the enemy's points, rounded up (1-10 is 1 point, 11-20 is 2 points, ect). The prize will be split among any person who participates in defeating that Pokémon. (This is referred to as a Prize and not all Pokémon you battle will have a prize attached-this is a general rule of thumb. In all actuality, these bonus points are completely up to the GM/SM.)


    League Battles

    1: The difference between League battles and regular battles is that, unlike regular battles where anyone can jump in with anything, Leauge battles are strictly 1-on-1 affairs. You also cannot use Shadow Pokémon in League Battles (there will be more on Shadow Pokémon in the next section). These rules are used primarily when fighting Gym Leaders or fighting in sanctioned tournaments.

    2: Gym Leaders award badges-and other prizes-upon defeat, but are exceptionally hard. The more badges you have, the tougher the team they pull out to stop you-henceforth, gyms can be challenged in any order.

    3: Gym Badges award the trainer with the capacity to control higher-level Pokémon, while also being able to level up Pokémon to a further level. There are also other prizes: Pokémon, rare items, turning a Pokémon into a Shiny, and possibly more. A list of Gym Badges is below, in spoilers.

    4. Gym battles will, sadly, cost money once they are done. To receive your prize you will have to dish out the amount that comes attached to the gym badge. Exceptions to this (like serious heroics or proving oneself beyond doubt) exist, but be prepared to go out of your way for it.


    No Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-20 will obey you)

    1 Badge
    (Pokémon level 1-25 will obey you)

    2 Bages
    (Pokémon level 1-30 will obey you)

    3 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-36 will obey you)

    4 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-40 will obey you)

    5 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-45 will obey you)

    6 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-50 will obey you)

    7 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-55 will obey you)

    8 Badges
    (Pokémon level 1-100 will obey)

    5: These rules also applies to other League-sanctioned events: Tournaments and fights against the Elite 4 for the title of Champion also follow these rules.

    6: Gym battles can have other rules thrown in. These range from being unable to use Pokémon hatched from eggs (don't ask how they know) to nullifying all bonuses to limiting you of a Pokémon of a specific type. It cannot be anything that gives the Gym Leader a horribly unfair edge, but that’s it.

    7: The forms for this are the same as the forms for regular battling, of course.


    Rival Battles

    1: Rivals are (for the most part) randomly determined when you start your journey. They will be face-offs against fellow PC trainers with THEIR Pokémon, so be on guard.

    2: A Rival battle is a 1-on-1 affair, and it has only ONE restriction: You can’t use points. Period.

    3: When a rival battle has been officially decided on, the GM will tell you who’s the 'NPC' and who isn’t. The 'NPC' must post the Pokémon they will use, like what an actual NPC trainer would: the Rival must be the one to attack those Pokémon.

    4. In "NPC Rival" battle each person will get a turn to control the battle. In other words if you were the NPC in the last battle you will be the one control of the next battle. This is so that everyone has a fair chance of winning.

    4: Victory in a Rival battle is decided upon how many points the opponent has at the end: If the NPC’s Pokémon are all fainted and you've survived with at least one Pokémon conscious (even if the results would reduce it to a KO’d state), you win. If you run out of Pokémon before being able to defeat the final Pokémon, you lose. Vice-versa for the NPC trainer: if his Pokémon survive, he/she wins. if they don't, they lose. If both of your Pokémon are wiped out, it's a Tie. In case of a Tie both people lose.

    5: All other aspects of regular battles apply here.

    Last edited by Rival Max; 03-13-2019 at 12:00 AM.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  2. #2

    Shadow Pokémon and Purifying

    1: Shadow Pokémon are dangerous experimented Pokémon that have been corrupted by Shadow Energies. They are very unstable, but they do have a certain boost to their abilities. If you have 1 badge or less, then this boost is +5. Otherwise, it is +10. This boost maintains itself after purification. In stats, you are to note it is a Shadow or a Purified Pokémon, and keep the aforementioned bonus separate from the Pokémon's point values.

    2: Shadow Pokémon are Pure Shadow Typed regardless of species. Shadow Type is super-effective against all other types and neutral towards itself. The Shadow Type is removed upon purification.

    3: In order to purify a Shadow Pokémon, a few things must be done. Trainers will be given access to a purifying machine after each Gym Battle (the machines are very rare and normally only gym leaders have access so don’t miss out on using them if you can help it). You will be able to purify as many as you like at that point. You must also pay its Natural Point Value (or NVP) and its Shadow bonus. If you leveled up your Pokémon before it got corrupted into a Shadow, those points are ignored entirely: it's only the value you'd normally need to capture it plus the Shadow Bonus.

    4: No Player Character (or PC) can purify a Pokémon. Someone else has to. There are certain devices and powers that can do this, wielded by certain people. Also, certain Legend/Elite 4 and anyone/anything who can create a Shadow can also purify (whether they WILL is another question entirely).

    5: Shadow Pokémon cannot be found in the wild. They are either in the hands of abusive trainers (and will hopefully be removed from their hands) or else found through odd events.

    6: Until Purification, Shadows cannot level up and/or evolve. If they're already leveled up and/or evolved before they were corrupted into Shadows, the level ups and evolution(s) remain, but no more can happen.

    7: A Shadow Pokémon will be harder to control than other Pokémon. They do respect power, however, and they obey the strong. If your badge limit doesn't beat out their total points and their Shadow Bonus TWICE (so, +10 if you are below 2 badges and +20 if you are at or above 2 badges), they will not obey you. This doesn’t apply to purified Pokemon, another benefit of purification. The bonus directly changes the level, in any case-but you STILL must note that it is a separate thing from it’s actual level.

    8: Shadow Pokémon cannot be used in regulated Pokémon Battles under League rules (Gym Leader battles, legal tournaments, ect.). Purified Pokémon CAN be used in these battles. Shadows are tortured slaves for all due intents and purposes, and such battles are shows of integrity as much as power; what does it say of you to bring THOSE out in such competitions?

    9: The form for Purifying is below, in spoilers.

    Pokémon being Purified:
    Points required:
    Points on hand:
    Points remaining:

    Below is an example. This trainer has three badges, so the bonus is ten, and a Pikachu's natural point value is 30:

    Pokémon being Purified: Amp the Pikachu
    Points required: 40
    Points on hand: 50
    Points remaining: 10


    Pokemon Eggs

    1) In very rare occurrences, Pokémon Eggs may be found lying around. Whoever posts to claim it first gets the Egg, unless the GM or SM says it’s specifically for someone.

    2) Eggs can also be purchased from certain people: Pokémon Breeders are a good source to ask. Eggs are expensive, though. You can also breed it, a process that will be detailed below.

    3) When the Egg is claimed, the Egg's identity is revealed to whoever got it, as well as a post count, detailing when it will hatch. The post count is the Pokémon’s NPV times two.

    4) When the post count reaches 0, the Egg is able to be hatched. There is no point cost for hatching eggs, but you must capture the hatched Pokemon in some sort of Pokeball.

    5) The Pokémon inside the eggs can be from anywhere, though typically they’re from the region you’re exploring in. There are no other limits: You can find starters or rare Pokémon with equal frequency to common ones.

    6) You have to use a form to hatch eggs. The form is below, in spoilers.

    Pokemon Hatching:
    Post Requirement:
    Link to Post (as in, the post where you got the egg from):

    An Example is below. The Pokémon being hatched is a Chimchar, whose natural point value is 5 and the post count is henceforth 10.

    Pokemon Hatching: Chimchar
    Post requirement: 10
    Link to Post: *Insert link to the post where this trainer got the egg from here*


    Mega Pokemon

    1: Mega Pokemon are not early game things. Mega Pokemon require both their nessecary Mega Stone, the ability to canonically Mega Evolve, and a Keystone item in the accessory of your choice. Due to their rarity, the Keystones are excessively guarded as well. As for the Mega Stones, they're found randomly around Kanto.

    2: You can only have ONE Mega Pokemon on your team at a time. This is a hard rule and cannot bend for any reason. To equip a Mega stone on a Pokemon, you must remove a Mega Stone from another.

    3: Because of their general rarity and limitations, Mega Evolution can be assumed to be powerful. In short: This is correct. Mega Evolutions confer a +15 Bonus and an extra evolution stage up from the previous Pokemon, making it considerably stronger. These bonuses ignore Disobediance rules, and are the ONLY ones to do so.


    Breeding and the Pokemon Daycare

    1: In order to actually breed, you must find the Pokemon Daycare. This new mechanic is unavailable until you've reached it.

    2: Unlike the main games, you can access Pokemon in the Daycare from any Pokemon Center.

    3: In order to use the Daycare, you must stick one or two Pokemon of your choice in there. If you only stick one Pokemon in, it's partner will be random for the breeding process.

    4: Egg Groups MUST be considered when dealing with this. To elaborate, with a few exceptions, if you cannot breed it in the Pokemon games they will not breed here. Genderless Pokemon cannot breed with any Pokemon except Ditto.

    5: If all the conditions are met, then the two Pokemon will produce an Egg at some later point. This Egg has increased Shiny Chance.

    6: In addition to the above, breeding issues aside, any Pokemon within the Daycare will level up free of charge. This is a very slow level-up, though.

    7: Unlike the Games, the fee to put Pokemon in the game is low (to be determined), but also set and paid immediately. You may withdraw the Pokemon at any time.

    8: I WOULD put a form here below, in Spoilers, but a form for this was not discussed at any point thus far. Look forward to it in the future.


    RPing Rules for non-GMs/SMs

    1) No Godmodding. Godmodding is giving yourself too much power/knowledge over the plot itself. OOC Knowledge should not translate to IC knowledge.

    2) No bunnying without permission. Bunnying is automatically moving a player's character about without the player's consent. If it's given to you (and you'll have to prove it to a GM), then you may bunny that character.

    3) No Trolling/Spamming/Flaming. Trolling and Flaming are basically insulting people-Trolling intends to come off as a demeaning and insulting argument against a group more often than not, while Flaming is outright insulting that group. Spamming is just posting useless stuff irrelevant. All are absolute no-nos.

    4) Responses to anything can be as short or as long as needed, as long as it doesn't fall into spam. If anything you're doing is important that needs to be noted, that's the bare minimum.

    5) We're not going to be super-stingy with our grammar and spelling to point out every last error you make, so long as it is legible. If your text cannot be deciphered, well, then we have a problem.

    6) You can post pictures of your adventures! There is utterly nothing wrong with this, unless the picture breaks PxR rules.

    7) If you have to leave for any reason and will be absent from GCeA, first alert your absence in the club thread, then either get someone trustworthy to bunny your character or make a post (if possible) detailing your leave from the group and put where you last were in the trainer stats so you can pick up right where you left off.

    8) Your characters may have skills/nuances that set themselves apart from other Trainers, but ultimately you are a regular human being with no extraordinary powers, with the sole exception being rule number nine.

    9) Psychics in general have been a major part of GCeA's story in the past, and henceforth you can play as a Minor Psychic. 'Minor' cannot be stressed enough, however. You must first contact a GM about your character having powers, then detail how they grow, and the GM must accept. You can get really creative with what these powers actually are, but they cannot be anything that couldn't be labeled as anything more than a minor convenience to have: Short-range Telepathy between other Psychic Humans and Psychic Pokémon, Light telekinesis that can lift a remote controller a few feet from you, Uncomplicated sound-based illusions, reading surface thoughts, ect. You also can get exhausted and faint if you use your powers too much.

    10) NPCs do not have to follow rules eight or nine, except the part about tiring out from using powers too much. NPCs are also capable of hiding the fact they are extraordinarily powerful from you with relative ease; if they’re actually trying to hide their skills and powers, you do NOT have the tools to overcome this. This is perfectly good reason why you don’t bully the old man, he can possibly pin you to a wall and snap your neck. You have been warned.

    11) GMs or SMs can remove your powers on a dime if they think you're abusing them/godmodding with them for whatever reason they fancy. Generally speaking, Psychic powers involve using your brain, so no matter HOW immune to pain or suffering it is, a blow to the head will stop any Psychic powers cold, and brain damage can truly screw Psychic Power of any variety over. This is common knowledge as far as Psychic powers are concerned.

    12) Legends can be obtained and used without dire consequence to the world. However, every Legend is also much smarter than almost any human, cannot die of natural causes or any disease, and are all capable of turning human, exploiting a loophole in the Poke Ball's design and rendering any capture null and void, even if you used the fabled Master Ball. In most circumstances, your Pokémon will also basically refuse to fight the legend and obey its orders over yours (even if that means mauling you), mainly because of the fact that Legends are basically a normal Pokémon’s gods. In short, getting them available for capture involves befriending it first and proving you're actually worthy of wielding it, then going through the process of actually capturing it. You do this completely in story or in a side quest, and the GM determines your success when they actually become available for capture.

    13) Reward Pokémon you unlock can join you for any reason, as long as it's somewhat logical, and the GM approves of it. They do cost points, though, and don’t count for total captures (but do count for Pokedex entries).

    14) Special occasions-including your birthday (and by 'your birthday,' I mean your IRL birthday, not your character's birthday)-can reward you with Pokémon or rare items for absolutely free. How they join you is up to the GM who rewards them to you. However, gift Pokémon DO NOT count for the PokeDex: Only Pokémon found in the region count for the PokeDex, and the restriction on what Pokémon you can get are Pokémon not part of the regional PokeDex (and guess what? You’re filling out the Regional PokeDex, not the National one). In short, if you think you can stock up on gift Pokémon to unlock reward Pokémon…Nice try. Gift Pokémon also do not count for a capture.


    The Forms

    Capturing a Pokémon

    To capture a Pokémon successfully, use the following form:

    Pokémon using:
    Pokémon trying to catch:
    Point Requirement:
    Item Being Used/Quantity:
    Item Effects:
    Points On Hand:
    Points After:


    Battling a Pokémon

    Again, remember your bonuses!

    Opponent's Point Value:
    Attacker's Point Value
    Points Using:
    Points on-hand:
    Points remaining:
    Opponents's Remaining Points:
    Attacker's Remaining Points:


    Leveling Up a Pokémon

    Pokémon being Leveled Up:
    Levels up:
    Resulting Value:
    Points required:
    Points on hand:
    Points remaining:


    Evolving a Pokémon

    Pokémon You're Evolving:
    Pokémon it Evolves Into:
    Evolution Point Requirement:
    Points On-Hand:
    Points After Evolution:


    Stone Evolution

    Stone Evolution
    Pokémon You're Evolving:
    Pokémon it Evolves Into:
    Evolution Stone Using:
    Current Level:
    Resulting Level:


    Purifying a Pokémon

    Pokémon being Purified:
    Points required:
    Points on hand:
    Points remaining:


    Hatching an Egg

    Pokemon Hatching:
    Post Requirement:
    Link to Post (as in, the post where you got the egg from):

    Item Claim

    Item Claiming:
    Supply: How many you are buying/obtaining.

    Special Items Guide:

    Birth Ribbon: This ribbon give a +5 Bonus to Pokémon hatched by the trainer. They must be attached to specific Pokémon.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  3. #3

    Available for Moderators:

    (5 Points)

    (6 Points)

    (7 Points)

    (8 Points)

    (9 Points)

    (10 Points)

    (11 Points)

    (12 Points)

    (13 Points)

    (14 Points)

    (15 Points)

    Last edited by Rival Max; 02-02-2019 at 03:56 PM.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  4. #4

    Available for Moderators:

    (16 Points)

    (17 Points)

    (18 Points)

    (19 Points)

    Last edited by Rival Max; 02-02-2019 at 03:58 PM.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  5. #5

    Available for Moderators:

    (20 Points)

    (22 Points)

    (23 Points)

    (24 Points)

    (25 Points)

    (26 Points)

    (27 Points)

    (28 Points)

    (30 Points)
    Last edited by Rival Max; 02-02-2019 at 04:26 PM.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  6. #6

    Pokemon You Get As Rewards
    (Next to the requirements to unlock you will find the Pokemon's point value.)

    Togepi (Capture 20 Wild Pokemon)(Points:16)(Recieve as egg)

    Eevee (Unlock new Eevee after every 25 new captgures)(Points:25)(Receive an egg)

    Elekid (Evolve 35 Pokemon)(Points:30)

    Magby (Capture 35 Wild Pokemon)(Points:25)

    Munchlax (Capture 50 Wild Pokemon)(Points:25)

    Shieldon (40 Fully Evolved Pokemon)(Points:15)

    Cranidos (50 Fully Evolved Pokemon)(Points:15)

    Riolu(Capture 60 Wild Pokemon)(Points:30)

    Porygon (100 Pokemon In Pokedex)(Points:23)

    Spiritomb(150 Pokemon In Pokedex)(Points:30)

    Rotom(200 Pokemon In Pokedex)(Points:30)

    Arceus (Obtain full Sinnoh Dex)(Points:50)(Receive in the form of a token/doll)

    Rare Pokemon
    (All Rare Pokemon Have Challenger Rate Of 1, read the above rules)

    Lake Guardians

    #480 Uxie #481 Mesprit #482 Azelf
    (Battling Points: 150 - 450) (Cost: 40)
    (Type: Pyschic

    Creation Trio

    #483 Dialga #484 Palkia
    (Battling Points: 300 - 1000)(Cost: 50)

    + ( ) =
    #487 Giratina #487O Giratina (Origin Form)
    (Battling Points: 300 - 1000)(Battling Points: 500 - 1000)(Cost: 50)

    Heatran Family

    #485 (Battling Points: 200 - 400)(Cost: 45)(Type:Fire/Steel)

    Regigigas Family

    #486 (Battling Points: 200 - 400)(Cost: 45)(Type:Normal)

    Sea guardians

    #489 Phione (Battling Points: 150 - 450) (Cost: 40)(Type:Water)

    #490 Manaphy (Battling Points: 200 - 400)(Cost: 45)(Type:Water)

    Lunar duo

    #488 Cresselia #491 Darkrai
    (Battling Points: 200 - 400)(Cost: 45)(Type:Water)

    Shaymin Family
    + () =
    #492 Shaymin
    #492S Shaymin (Sky Form)
    (Battling Points: 200 - 400)
    (Battling Points: 300 - 1000)(Cost: 50)

    Lord Arceus

    #493 Arceus
    (Battling Points: 1000-5000)(Cost: 100)(Type:Normal)

    Last edited by Rival Max; 01-30-2019 at 02:28 PM.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  7. #7

    My name is Lucian Stewart, and I am a survivor of the Hoenn Crisis, in which an evil organization attempted to flood the earth with Shadow Energy, to corrupt all life, human and Pokemon alike.

    You're probably wondering why you never heard about this? Never saw it on the news?

    It happened in another world, not too different from this one.

    Myself and five other trainers gave our lives to stop this darkness, and succeeded, winning the favor of Arceus, who gave us a second chance at life, in a new world. But that's not important. That's not how I ended up here.

    In the world that I have called home for the last seventeen years, I came across something strange. A hole in the space in front of me, that seemed to lead somewhere else. A wormhole. Before I knew what was going on, something had taken control of me, and I had walked through.

    So here I am.

    But why? Why am I sending out this message?

    I heard whispers of others like me. People from other worlds, dragged through wormholes to this place. And I can only believe that this is intentional. We are being called here for a reason, one that I am not certain of just yet. All I know is that something is coming. Something big, and I need to be prepared for it. We need to be prepared for it. Us being here is no accident.

    So if you are out there. Brettles, Jacob, Joseph, Dash, or anyone else who has been brought here against their will. Something is coming. If you are out there, we need to find each other and solve this puzzle. To find out why we are here, and how we can go home.

    I will be waiting.
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 01-08-2019 at 04:08 AM.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  8. #8
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Name: Sophie Reed
    Team Status:

    Wolverine (5/5)



    Points: 1

    Basic Info Story Info
    Current Location: Twinleaf Town
    Time: 4:30 pm
    Day: 1
    Date: September 6th 2028
    Season: Early Spring
    Current Team: Sophie

    I squinted as I opened my eyes. The sun was bright, and painful to look at. Suddenly, I remembered what happened.

    “S***!” I muttered, before letting Wolverine out of his Pokeball. The Cyndaquil came out, and looked at me confused before looking around. After a second, I joined him, with the confusion being mutual.

    Not too long ago, we were near the lab in New Bark Town, and the sun was going dark. Now we could see it starting to set, and we were somewhere completely different. I picked up Wolverine and began looking around, finally finding a sign.

    Twinleaf Town.

    I recognized the name. This was a town in Sinnoh. Somehow I had wound up in a different region. But why…

    “Wolverine… I have a feeling we’re not in Johto anymore…”

    I took a moment to try figure out what the hell happened, checking my watch, and being surprised to see that it read 4:30pm. Not even half an hour ago, I was in New Bark Town, unless I passed out for a day or two?

    I looked around, and found a bin. I groaned as I looked inside, before reaching in and pulling out a newspaper.

    September 6th, 2028.

    I was right. It hasn’t even been a half hour, yet I’m in a totally different region.

    As I thought about this, I suddenly had a flashback, just before everything went black. The hole in the world. On one side was myself and Wolverine, and on the other was somewhere else, which I now recognize as Twinleaf Town.

    But why did everything go black, and why did I end up here? Did I go into some sort of trance and walk through it?

    I was lost in my own thought, before I heard a whimper on the ground next to me. S***... I’m not even half an hour in, and I’ve almost forgotten about my Pokemon.

    I scooped the Cyndaquil off the ground next to me, holding him against my chest.

    “We’ll figure something out soon enough.” I said to the Pokemon, struggling to believe it myself. Truth is, this doesn’t seem real.

    I had a look around the nearby streets, trying to find anyone else who looked as freaked out as I felt, or who had a Pokemon that isn’t native to here.

    “What the hell is going on…” I muttered to myself as I started to walk around...

    @Rival Max @Suicune's Fire

    Upon finding yourself in Twinleaf town, you realize that you're missing a Pokeball with your starter from home...
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 05-24-2019 at 05:27 AM.

  9. #9
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Hunter (5/5)
    [Totodile, Male]
    Location: Twinleaf Town
    Items: N/A
    Points: 1

    Amy gasped suddenly as the light faded as quickly as it had appeared. She searched around, Hiker unconscious by her side. She shivered, her crop top not being nearly warm enough for this weather given the snow on the ground. Amy untied her flannel shirt from her waist and put it on before picking up Hiker. As she stood up, she began to observe her surroundings and spotted a nearby sign. It read “Twinleaf Town”, and a chill ran up Amy’s spine. Questions began to flood Amy’s mind, the details of the hows and whys overwhelming her. What just happened? Why was she suddenly in Sinnoh? Was it the light that brought her here? Why her? Why Hiker? And why now? But one question stood out among them all.

    What about Theresa?

    Amy clutched Hiker closely, absentmindedly chewing her lip as she walked through the town. What day was it? What time was it? Amy glanced down at her X-Transceiver and tapped it. No reception. But the date and time were the same as they should be. 4:30 on September 6, 2028. She could picture Theresa sitting at the cafe in Lumiose, dressed down for once instead of in her officer uniform, waiting for Amy to come. It looked like her text sent, which meant she had fifteen minutes to somehow make contact with Theresa before she started to get suspicious, and maybe an hour before she called for an investigation.

    Amy began to look around for anyone else and spotted another young girl standing nearby with a cyndaquil. Not ideal but it looked like her only option at this point. "Yo!" Amy called out, "You with the cyndaquil. You got a phone I could use?"
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 05-24-2019 at 05:27 AM.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  10. #10
    Name: Mathias Grand
    Trainer Card: Matthias Grand Trainer Card
    Team Status:

    Instinct (5/5)
    Points: 1
    Current Location: Twinleaf Town

    The strange light that had surrounded Matthias subsided. He held Squirtle in his arms, finding that giving the Pokemon a reassuring hug, made him feel a lot better about whatever was happening.

    This was clearly not Pallet town, the trees were wrong and the road paving seemed strange. What had happened and Why?

    He ran through the events of the day. Celebration at the lab. Breaking into the lab. Meeting Squirtle. Stealing Professor Oak's wallet...

    "Do you think this is because of the wallet?" Matthias whispered to Squirtle.

    "Squirtle?" said Squirtle with a shrug.

    "Who knows what kind of mind tricks he can play with all his Pokemon. Lets give this a try."


    That achieved nothing except to garner a few strange looks from from some passers-by.

    There was a road sign ahead. 'Twin-leaf' town. Matthias had never really paid attention in Geography class. "Probably some place out near Fuscia", he said quietly to squirtle. "Come on lets head into town to see if we can work out what's going on. Look out for any food we can swipe on the way."


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