@Desolate Divine

There are some settings here:

"Members on your contact list" are people you have added as friends
Then there are "other members" which would be anyone with an account
And then there are "guests". So if your friends aren't gonna sign up to look at your writing and you make your blogs invisible to guests, that should take care of it? :)

Those settings are for your blog as a whole though.

If you go to a blog post and click on advanced editor you can select the "Restrict entry viewing to Contacts and Blog Moderators" check box on individual entries, which would make them only visible to people you've added as friends. You could do this for more sensitive entries you've posted in the past or something, if there are specific ones you're worried about.

"The Restrict entry viewing to Contacts and Blog Moderators option will restrict the viewing of an entry to just those members on your contact list and to Blog moderators. This allows you to leave your blog open to all members but still have the ability to restrict viewing on an entry to entry basis. "

It's not perfect, but hopefully that helps?