Glad to see people are interested, but to make it work, I really need at least ten people. So if there's anyone out there that's reading this but unsure, a lot of this depends on you! Trust me, it'll be fun and we've never had a dull PSG in the past! It's honestly really easy to learn how to play, also. Plus I don't think anyone has ever joined the PSG version of this and regretted it. And even if you get transformed into a Pikachu or Eevee, you get a free banner and ava set out of the deal. I'll try to make them extra nice!

But yeah, I've tried to think of ways it could be done with less than ten people, but it just can't. Not without stripping a lot of items out (fewer people makes it end too quickly and stripping the more zanier items to avoid having them be too overpowered makes it not as much fun). So really, the more people that join, the more fun it will be.

So yeah, the big reason why I need to run an interest check is because if we don't get at least ten peeps, we're in trouble. And if cool things happen and we get at least ten, it would help me gauge how many banner and avatar sets I will need to prepare.